Who we are

Nanomnia is an ambitious biotech SME founded by 3 researchers from the University of Verona, joined by many other valuable and experienced professionals and partners.


Nanomnia is a forerunner in the field of microplastic-free formulations. It has a laboratory set up with a wide range of state-of-the-art tools for nano, micro and macro encapsulation of active ingredients and creation of new formulations.

In addition, Nanomnia continues to collaborate with the University of Verona, in particular on the joint Prometeo NanoLab projects. 

team nanomnia startup nanotecnologia

Research team

marta bonaconsa nanomnia startup nanotecnologia

Marta Bonaconsa, Founder & CEO

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the University of Padua, with a PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Verona, she leads the entire team and is the point of reference for customers and investors.

michele bovi nanomnia startup nanotecnologia

Michele Bovi, Founder & CTO

He received his BS and PhD degrees in Biotechnology from the University of Verona. He supervises and manages projects in agritech, cosmetics, pharma and nutraceuticals.


Stefania Boi, Head of Research

Graduated in Science and Engineering of BioNanoMaterials with honors from Ca' Foscari University in Venice, with a PhD in chemistry from an ITN Marie Curie network as part of a Horizon2020 project in Wageningen, the Netherlands, she leads all Nanomnia's research projects.

pietro vaccari nanomnia startup nanotecnologia

Pietro Vaccari, Founder & Researcher

He holds a bachelor's degree in bio- and nano-materials engineering and a Ph.D. in Nanoscience and Advanced Technologies. He is involved in the development of encapsulated formulations in the agritech industry.


Claudia Mezzalira, Researcher

A graduate in industrial chemistry from the University' of Padua, she works on encapsulation of active ingredients with a particular focus in the area of smart materials for energy innovation


Andrea Colusso, Researcher

Graduated in Industrial Chemistry from the University of Padua, he continues his career in the optics and nanostructures laboratories of the Padua Department of Chemistry (NOL). At Nanomnia he is particularly involved in analytical chemistry (HPLC, ICP, GC-mass, etc.).

Business team


Cristina Panara, Financial Consultant

With a degree in business and economics and a specialization in concessional finance, she is responsible for Nanomnia's economic-financial management and access to public and private financing opportunities.


Alessandro Cordova, Business Developer

Having earned a degree in economics and a PHD in management between Italy, the UK and the US, he founded and directed the pre-accelerator The Startup Training, at which Nanomnia took its first steps. He supports Nanomnia in the analysis and development of business opportunities and fundraising.


Roberta Vicentini, Business Analyst

A business administration graduate with a Master's degree in Integrated Business Management, she is co-founder of Sonirico, a start-up in the wellness segment. She leads research and market analysis initiatives for Nanomnia, improving understanding of customer needs and enhancing service effectiveness.

Industrial team


Paolo Dussin, Industrial Partner

One of the first patrons of Nanomnia, he is the CEO of DMD Srl and Versan&Dafne Srl. He has more than thirty years of experience in the healthcare and medical device sector.



To date, Nanomnia has raised ~€800k from public grants and a multitude of investors and industry professionals/companies. These include 2 institutional investors:



Nanomnia works in partnership with major companies that widen its access to key resources and knowledge.

Technical partners


Business partners:


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